New Research on CBD Oil

Imagine the hemp plant as a treasure chest full of exceptional and medicinal substances. Some of these substances have been studied extensively, particularly the cannabinoid THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), but we still have much to learn about others, such as CBD (cannabidiol). That’s why it’s good to see so many scientists delving into the unexplored potential of CBD. While many people already use CBD for pain relief, improved sleep, and for its positive effects on mood and emotions, it seems there may be even more applications. That’s why this blog looks at a number of new studies being conducted to uncover the full potential of CBD Oil applications.

What We Know About CBD Oil Applications

Despite the fact that people have been using hemp for millennia, we still know relatively little about all the active components hidden deep within the cells of this plant. So far, some 113 cannabinoids have been discovered, including famous ones like THC and CBD along with lesser-known ones like CBG, CBN and CBC. So what has caused the sudden surge of interest in these cannabinoids? It is becoming increasingly clear that many of these substances could make a positive contribution to our health and well-being.

The basic reason for this enormous untapped potential is our body’s own endocannabinoid system (ECS). This system is capable of using cannabinoids to perform regulatory functions. Sleep, thinking, digestion and many other important processes involve some degree of control by the endocannabinoid system. The SEC is constantly trying to maintain a state of internal equilibrium called homeostasis. It can use cannabinoids to transmit messages to cells; these can be endocannabinoids produced by the body itself, but plant-derived phytocannabinoids, such as CBD, are also suitable for this function.

More than 300 studies are currently underway to further uncover the workings and properties of CBD. This dramatic growth is due in part to increased consumer awareness, but has received an additional boost from the UN’s recent removal of hemp from its list of hazardous substances. This gives scientists more freedom to study the compounds in the hemp plant.

Research into new applications of CBD Oil

The U.S. National Library of Medicine website provides a list of all current studies focused on CBD. To make it easy for you, we have selected some of the most interesting and groundbreaking entries, to show you that the potential of CBD could be even greater than you already thought.

CBD Oil and Chronic Low Back Pain

Low back pain is one of the most common forms of back pain. back pain is one of the most common forms of back pain. For example, the increase in office work over the past two decades means that many of us spend many hours sitting in non-ergonomic positions that lead to back pain. Previous studies indicated that many patients with low back pain have an increased number of activated glial cells. These cells serve a number of important functions, such as maintaining neurons, reinforcing brain tissue, removing neuronal debris left behind by dead nerve cells, and keeping the blood-brain barrier intact.

A research team at Massachusetts General Hospital is investigating in a clinical trial the effect of CBD on 20 subjects suffering from chronic low back pain. The researchers compare PET-MRI scans of the brain before and after CBD administration. These scans reveal glial cell activation. The hypothesis is that CBD may curb excess glial cell activation, which in turn leads to less severe back pain. The study is nearing completion and is currently awaiting data analysis.

CBD Research for PTSD

PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) is a general term for a range of symptoms that can arise from a traumatic experience. This condition is not just common among soldiers; PTSD can affect anyone. Precisely because so many people struggle with PTSD, the University of Texas at Austin decided to initiate a large-scale investigation into the possible positive impact of CBD on these symptoms. It is a randomized, double-blind study design involving 120 people with PTSD.

The study will last eight weeks, during which all subjects self-administer CBD Oil (300 mg) or a placebo. Evaluations based on extensive questionnaires are scheduled for one month and three months after the conclusion of the study. The researchers expect that the group receiving CBD will be more likely to experience symptom improvement than the placebo group. The study is scheduled to conclude in May 2023.

CBD for children with autism

This study has been initiated by the University of San Diego in California. Some children with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) have severe behavioral problems, such as aggression, self-injury and extreme hyperactivity. This makes it difficult for these children to function socially and causes serious learning problems. Family life can also be severely affected.

Currently, parents tend to administer CBD without any guidance and without determining the ideal dosage. However, users often applaud the effects this cannabinoid has on their children’s behavior. To provide more clarity, this study was designed around the administration of Epidolex (a CBD solution) to children. The 30 subjects in the study are all children between the ages of 7 and 14 diagnosed with autism and severe behavioral problems. More subjects are needed, but the team expects to conclude the study in 2021. Please visit the best cbd oil uk to discover more about CBD Oil.